Saturday, July 30, 2011

Time to shut down

So, I hear of this "government shut down" and think.... "About time" This visa is doin mny head in. I mean, we sent it out and got it back a week later stating we did not have the right amount... They don't give you the amount either, they say to look on the website. Well the fucking website says $350, and that's what we sent... but nope! So after a few hours or so of searching, Jess found out that it might be $340 instead... Why don't they just take the $10 and send us back a check? I dunno, now we have to go send it back, after getting a new one. This'll be fun -.-

This government is total crap. Everyone sees it too, I think it's pretty pathetic that people still just let the government win. When are we going to do something about it? I dunno... 

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Another brick in the wall

Things are going great. Garden is coming along very nicely, and work is becoming 'easier' and faster. Paid off my probation (fully next week) and I'm going to try and get off early. Got to save up money for a flight, and pass port to fly over to Jess and check out England for a bit. (Amsterdam, London, Greece ;) ) can't wait! Uhhh my damn laptop charger stopped working... which sucks because I have a bunch of shit on it that i gotta get off -.- yay more to do. Probably just save for a new one.....

Played guitar the other day at Guitar Center... Fucking hate Guitar Center :( not really :P But yea it was a kickass time.Things are going great, I got the oils for our rings and we can start doing them... Carving designs into them and inlaying crush up rocks for color/pattern effects.... They are going to look great, but I may need to get a new size even though the guy says just throw a couple coats of laquer on... We'll see.

Been working a bunch... Kind of glad the laptops dead now I cant get on and check my email and do wasteless things on it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Burned and Battered

So, things are going very well lately. I've been working with my landlord at one of his businesses and he loves me, should have my probation payed off within a few weeks. My next goal is to get my license and a vehicle so I can continue to work at this place.

Got intensely burned (sun burned) out on the lake yesterday, was a great fucking time though! Had a blast, also I jumped off about a 40' cliff swing into the lake so I have crossed that off my list of things to do before my death...

Today I was so tired but I went out and worked and de-forested a small chunk of land, but then the chainsaw broke and had to stop :(

The garden is going amazingly well. I'm so happy :) Things are finally on the upside for the time being, I hope this coaster stays in the air for a bit, at least until I am free and able to live my life.

Anyways, I know no one really reads this :P But that's ok :) It'll be nice to look back and remember these times in a few years :)

Love my fiance Jessica, and can't wait to go visit her in England.

Lovely, peacefully, and respectfully,

Monday, July 11, 2011

Today I had a thought...

The most random thought came into my head around 10 minutes ago... All of this talk about 2012 from people... all these thoughts, guesses, 'truths'..... I wonder why this thought entered my head....
The thought is: What if something does happen, what if those who have awaken, and opened their eyes, what if they continue living. And what if, those who don't want to, or are to blind to, also continue living.... But each in their own separate worlds, 'realities' that are the exact same at the time of split, then changes through time.

This thought opened up another thought, what if that is what is happening constantly? What if every thought, is just a different part of another 'reality' that clashed with this one. And as thoughts are not affected by light, then they do not clash in with our 'reality'....

What if every time you think, you split into another world/phase that follows along with this one as well with different actions performed, or a different thought came upon.

Anyways, back I go into my cave. Please post your thoughts.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Moulding up the inside

The interface of time, betwixt behind the front of desire, is what we all know, what we 'believe'. We believe in time, therefore it is our 'reality'. We are creatures of light, all of us, there is no real evil. No bad. Only views upon through the eyes of the self.

There is no space, we generate space through our eyes from the light which reflects and travels through. What is this space? Is it a different 'world' where light doesn't effect? Is it just simply what we perceive it as?

When you see things as they truly are: trillions and trillions of very small -things- all coming together as they do to create our world. Only upon observation, do things affected by light, show themselves to us.

What is vision? What are thoughts?

Hope to hear some comments about this post! I'm curious to peoples ideas.