Monday, May 16, 2011

End of all days?

So, I've heard and read about so many different thoughts on all these dates... Oct 28th 2011, Dec 21, 2012, May 21, 2011, Oct 21, 2011... I'm wondering what everyones thoughts on these dates are.

If you haven't heard of some well let me explain them:

Oct 28, 2011. My guess would be few people have heard of this date. This is supposed to be the final day of the 9th wave of consciousness. For those of you who haven't heard this, or don't quite understand it. I've provided a link here. My personal thoughts about this date? I like it, I take it as the final evolution of consciousness, where we will have global recognition of a universal consciousness in all living things, including; the Earth and the Universe around us.

Dec 21, 2012. This is the one most people have at least heard something of. The End of the Mayan calender, when the world will end, when there will be global mass consciousness, and many, many, to many to list, of other speculations, guesses, and thoughts. My personal thoughts on it? I think it's a load. The Mayan calender was not measuring time like we do, they were not running a continuous never ending line structure that we have today, there were running a cycle-type calender. What where they graphing though? Was it a graph of life? Was is a graph of consciousness and thought? Maybe it is a graph of technological advancement?

May 21, and Oct 21 of 2011 are both intertwined. I actually just learned of them today, you can find the link here. It's supposedly when Christ comes back to Earth and 'saves' them on May 21, and Oct 21 is supposed to be the start of the apocalypse or the end of days? I'm not sure as I find this all a money-making scam. Thats all my thoughts on the subject as well: a money making scam.

I know this is a little off topic of the blog (but I'll have many more that do not correlate directly with meditation, the ones that do correlate with meditation will be labeled [Day #]) I just wanted peoples inputs or views and personal honest opinions about these dates.


  1. This is obviously going to be a shortened version, because I'm to damn lazy to do it twice. Anyhow I honestly don't think that the end can or will be predicted (only time will tell), but anything can happen. Personally I think that we will destroy ourselves. I don't know if you have noticed, but from my experiences people seem to be getting more and more ignorant (not really the word I was looking for, but can't remember what I wrote last It seems to me that civilization will probably thrive for many years to come, but a few more generations down the line there will come a time where people are just so intolerant that the hatred won't be able to be overcame. I think that hatred will be the demise of our civilization. I don't mean to say hatred as in racism, but just intolerance for peoples differences. If everyone just educated themselves people would not hate each other (I think). Hatred is born of ignorance, and there are too many people out there that won't even consider educating themselves about the world. People just keep believing everything that the government keeps saying, and not really looking into it. If any of this sounds really dumb it's probably because I haven't slept in about 36 I'm probably rambling and shit. I haven't read the link in your first paragraph yet so I can't say much about that until I read about it. Maybe it will change my mind...I do however agree that the last 3 dates you mention are bullshit. People just want to scare everyone, and get them to pay there tithing at church. As far as the mayan calender goes, maybe they just got tired of fucking with the calender. Nobody really knows.

  2. True nobody really knows anything, but people are beginning to ask questions, and that, I think, is a step in the right direction. More and more people are becoming self aware, more and more people are realizing what we are doing to this planet, this planet which gives us life.
    Thanks for your words, I'm assuming this is Chris xD

  3. bravo with all sincerity

  4. you know, it's hard to say really. a lot a things could happen. some things might happen not because of some "prophecy" lmao maybe these dates will come, something will happen and everyone will scream "WE KNEW IT" how ever, it's pretty irrelevant to me. Some things happen, some don't. I hope for the Best, and i try my best to Influence my world. if we are to develop a new conscious awareness of some kind that will help people and the world. best believe ill be jumping on that train. When it comes down to it, i just go with the flow and act accordingly with the situation at hand. if it's positive, I support it and try to strengthen it. if not, i will clearly speak out against it and make my Disapproval apparent. Most things are out of my control and i can only agree, or disagree and act accordingly to my beliefs. If the world is going to end, this is beyond my control. i only Hope that everything gets blown to oblivion to minimize suffering. i Hope that we don't figure it out in time! I'm not going to let it bother me, or try to prepare for something that might not happen. Wait and see...

  5. Hey man, thanks for your thought. While I agree that if it ends I hope it ends fast, I too would like to do what I can to save my soul and the souls of those around me.
