Monday, July 11, 2011

Today I had a thought...

The most random thought came into my head around 10 minutes ago... All of this talk about 2012 from people... all these thoughts, guesses, 'truths'..... I wonder why this thought entered my head....
The thought is: What if something does happen, what if those who have awaken, and opened their eyes, what if they continue living. And what if, those who don't want to, or are to blind to, also continue living.... But each in their own separate worlds, 'realities' that are the exact same at the time of split, then changes through time.

This thought opened up another thought, what if that is what is happening constantly? What if every thought, is just a different part of another 'reality' that clashed with this one. And as thoughts are not affected by light, then they do not clash in with our 'reality'....

What if every time you think, you split into another world/phase that follows along with this one as well with different actions performed, or a different thought came upon.

Anyways, back I go into my cave. Please post your thoughts.

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